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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Second Installment of the PACE Lecture Series: “When Democracy Doesn’t Work”

Dr. Eric Rittinger, an assistant professor of Political Science at Salisbury University, typically focuses on Latin American politics and international relations.

Having observed the subsequent collapse of democratic systems around the world, Dr. Rittinger gave a controversial lecture Monday night, asking why democracy might not be the best option for the United States.

The idea that democracy, direct or indirect, is simply the best form of government is an idea that is ingrained and deeply embedded in the minds of many Americans.

The United States has a practice of supporting democratic regimes in other countries, particularly to resist communism in a post WWII era. However Dr. Rittinger pointed out that democracies tend to be an unstable type of government.



  1. “It was surprising to learn that our voting system does not necessarily work as well as we believe it should,” Dani Walker, senior at SU said. “Our democracy may be more at risk than we think it is.”

    I think it worked just fine.
    The US is not a direct democracy.
    The founding fathers planned it that way.

  2. it figures a college professor who is ignorant we do NOT have MOB rule.i.e democracy.. we are a REPUBLIC

  3. It hasn't worked since it never materialized.
    Our Constitutional Republic only existed for a little while, just as Jefferson feared. It was destroyed from within by the richest people on the planet. These bankers got control of money and debt creation and the country became a monopoly capitalistic tyranny. It is now full blown facism whereby the corporations have complete control of the government, and the government uses force against (everybody in the world) to uphold the profiting wishes of the corporations.
    It is the merger of government and corporations, something they brag about openly as NGOs. The lobbyists write the laws and the Congress passes them without even reading them.

    It was never a democracy.

  4. "In a democracy, mediocrity rules." Nietzsche. There's no incentive driven thought. The best & brightest are always over ruled.

  5. Just another liberal idiot Professor brainwashing his students. This is the norm in public education. From kindergarten on up. The kids are brainwashed and dumbed down by the liberals who control our education system. It has been going on for years that is why we have all of these millennial snowflakes that are college graduates but know nothing about anything.

  6. Two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner...


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