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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

The Rise Of The Deep State: How They Got Their Power To Manipulate For Ultimate Control

While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working, it is. But it’s only working for the powerful and rich elites in the government and the media who have a desire to cling to their oppressive control of others and the money many are willing to allow them to steal

The fight has never been between the republicans and the democrats.

As Americans choose sides, their rights and freedoms are sold to the highest bidder. According to Intellectual Takeout, the fight is between “us” and the deep state; not those on the right and those on the left. More and more often we are seeing bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials of both parties circle the wagons in an effort to prevent any true reforms of the government. They constantly write laws they exclude themselves from, come up with inventive ways to tax us to our breaking point and destroy the healthcare system. And this is all by design.



  1. Who is the deep state ? They own the media and entertainment industries.

  2. Just like the Nazis / Russians / China and others who
    want to Control people's lives and enslave them .....
    You are NOT Free .....they just want you to Comply and think
    you are........ and , it will get worse

  3. Looks like the CLINTON FOUNDATION having a meeting !!!!

  4. Hillary's Inner Circle !!!

  5. Maybe a Scalding Bones Meeting !!

  6. They CONTROL YOU through Cell Phones /Computers/ Tablets !

  7. Maybe a meeting for Masons !!!

  8. The Rich have the power and are corrupt ....Fact
    Since time began .....Nothing new .....
    The rest of us have a hard time in life and just trying to
    get by .........
    No such thing as a Honest politician
    Money is the Root of all evil
    No man or woman can Handle too much Power
    How may Nice dictators does the world Have ??? Not ANY !!!
    All politicians are Bought Off / Bought & Paid For


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