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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The new CFO of Heinz is 29 years old

Kraft Heinz’s new CFO couldn’t rent a car five years ago. 29-year-old David Knopf will soon handle finances for the food giant, which has a $100 billion market cap; he’ll be the youngest CFO to lead one of the US’s largest companies. (The average age of a Fortune 500 or S&P 500 CFO is 52, according to Crist Kolder.) Knopf, also a partner at Brazilian private equity group 3G Capital, worked on the very merger that created Kraft Heinz. Now he’ll help the company cut costs and boost sluggish sales.


  1. I hope he realizes the trend that people want products with less sugar.

  2. People may THINK they want less sugar but, when presented with a choice, they will buy the product with more sugar every time!

  3. Yes, because he was hired to pour sugar in the vats.

  4. 950 LOL thanks for that laugh.

  5. The fact that John Kerry is married into that outfit, I will never purchase it.

    1. you sir/ma'm are bias - never say never

  6. We all know what "cut costs and boost sluggish sales" means. He is going to close plants and eliminate thousands of jobs. Then they will spend the savings for bonuses for all the upper Mgt. and advertising. If he's lucky, the stock price will rise a little and the stockholders will be happy. You don't have to have a MBA to figure that out.

    1. Oh my, a Negative Nellie has joined us

  7. I'd rather have the sugar than the cheaper, sweeter corn syrup.

  8. Democratic cash cow!


  9. Heinz bought Kraft. Folksy Ole Warren Buffett has a healthy portion of the new conglomerate.

    They'll be squeezing more than ketchup and mustard bottles.


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