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Monday, September 11, 2017

The Internet Was QUICK To Remember What Hillary Said About DACA In 2014

Following President Donald Trump’s rescission of DACA, a video of comments former Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made in 2014 has resurfaced.

Then, at a CNN town hall, Clinton advocated against DACA by saying children in the country illegally should be returned to their home country.

It is being reported that she and former President Barack Obama used to support securing the southern border as well.



  1. Typical democrats. Talk big lying really but stand for nothing.

  2. What does anyone expect? We all know that politicians are just a bunch of deplorables who will say whatever their current audience wants to hear.

  3. Thank God for Trump. Now he needs to lock her if only to shut her up. (map)

  4. You can run, but you can't hide...

  5. Yes why is she not corresponding from a prison pay phone? Lock her up!

  6. Deranged, without a doubt. If she were our Aunt Sadie, we'd find two doctors to have her do an involuntary thirty day inpatient mental and physical evaluation.


  7. She's had more positions than the Kama Sutra!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    She's had more positions than the Kama Sutra!

    September 11, 2017 at 5:50 PM

    Your level of intelligence is impressive


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