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Thursday, September 21, 2017

The forgotten Holocaust: Ukraine famine of 1932-33

One day in the summer of 1933, in a village in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, a little boy woke on top of the family stove. He was starving — not just hungry but genuinely starving.

‘Dad, I want to eat! Dad!’ he cried. But the house was cold and from his father there came no answer.

The boy went over to his father, who was apparently still asleep. There was ‘foam under his nose’, he remembered. ‘I touched his head. Cold.’



  1. I was having a good day

  2. the worlds history is one of horror, evil and sadness. I hope our adult citizens remember this, and our young learn it. We, as Americans are the most blessed and fortunate souls to walk this earth, because of this experiment known as America.

  3. Forgotten, never talked about Genocide, the eradication of the Native Americans.

  4. And the media knew and covered it up.

    And FDR knew and ignored it.

    And the world is worse off because we did nothing.

  5. Thank you for this! Holodomor was a horrific time period for the Ukrainian people and it gets little to no mention in our World History classes. No remembrance day either. Genocide on a massive scale (some sources claim ~ 10-20 million!) by Stalin to discourage the Ukrainian people from fighting for their independence. Death by starvation. Horrific.

  6. The Slovakian people were also put through conditions even worse than Germany. Unfortunately they don't own any Cable providers, TV stations or production companies so you don't hear about it.


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