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Monday, September 04, 2017

The case for a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton

America tried to let Hillary Clinton off the hook. Despite cries of “lock her up” during the campaign, most of the nation had little appetite for prosecuting her after the election, with even Donald Trump willing to give her a free pass.

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Trump told The New York Times two weeks after his victory. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”

But the Clinton e-mail scandal, like Clinton herself, won’t go away. It remains a blot on the legacy of the Obama administration, the Justice Department and the FBI, and now comes fresh evidence that the investigation that cleared her was a total sham.



  1. She suffered? Not as much as we would have had she been elected.

    The crimes, including layers of lies to cover them, haven't been legally dismissed. Warm dizzies for this woman are not in order. Bring it on!

  2. Fuzzies, not dizzies. Spell check again.

    1. Typical liberal bully intolerant of a persons spelling. Snowflakes are the cruelest people on the planet. Smh

  3. She does not know what suffering is! Did she lose a family member due to a secretary of state who LIES and blames it all on a video?

  4. Well... I don't want them to "hurt" either. I want it to be quick and painless like the Rosenbergs and have all Foundation moneys turned over to non political and non partisan entities.

  5. Lock her up, along with 12:13 (grammar police). We don't need either one.

  6. "...most of the nation had little appetite for prosecuting her after the election..."

    I call B.S. on that statement! Most of the nation wanted Hillary behind bars!

  7. No bullies this time. I corrected my own first statement.

  8. F the Clinton's, lock the lying bitch up!


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