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Friday, September 29, 2017

Thank God Its Friday 9-29-17

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Trying to get my chainsaw to work and finish cutting up firewood for the cold weather ahead.

  2. Replies
    1. Watch youth football at Fruitland falcons

  3. Not watching f-ball, either.

  4. well Joe you already said what I was going to say . I'll have a lot of free time away from the tube now that football is out.
    I'm so glad that I support Trump , he has the balls to say what everyone wants to say but doesn't because they are afraid to say it.
    These idiots have to realize that democracy stops in the work place , the team owners have every right to tell the team what to do and when to do it , they work for the owners. These owners are so afraid of the team it's funny .
    I have given up the following : football , basket ball , baseball and at last NASCAR . I feel so free. I'm going to the Zoo , the library , the museums , I'm going to have more time with my kids and grandkids , I born again.
    Oh yeh , budwieser sucks!

  5. Anything except watching NFL foot ball! Looking up who their sponsors are so I can be sure I am NOT buying their products either!!

  6. Damn! I thought it was Thursday!

  7. yardwork! Wanna help?

  8. After a successful recovery from SunFest - heading to Winefest to start it all over again. Will enjoy COLLEGE football late this evening (USC vs Wash at 1030). Lather/Rinse/Repeat Saturday and full recovery Sunday!

    I suppose things could be worse!

  9. Supporting station 13 in there last chicken sale for the season . Go get some on snowhill road

  10. Trying to drink myself to death.

  11. Just trying to survive.


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