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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Tensions Boil at Australian Universities as Chinese Communism Permeates

Tensions are rising at some Australian universities amid concerns that the Chinese government is infiltrating teaching methods across the faculties, according to a report from news.com.au.

The concerns have arisen after multiple incidents of Chinese students demanding changes to teaching methods, as well as demanding apologies from lecturers about the way they explore certain topics.

The trend has led to concern across Australia of the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian ideology infiltrating universities and potentially influencing other students.

Some students have even posted footage online of lecturers going against the Chinese Communist Party’s ideology.

Last week, a student at the Chinese University of Newcastle uploaded footage of him arguing with a lecturer who referred to Hong Kong and Taiwan as independent countries.

“You are making us feel uncomfortable,” the student tells business professor Nimay Khaliani. “You have to consider all the students.”



  1. "You are making us feel uncomfortable, You have to consider all the students.”

    Oh my, the snowflake mentality ISN'T just relegated to the USA.

    God help us ALL!!!!!!!!!!

  2. If they don't like Australia they can go back to china.

  3. Communists must be euthanized for their own good. Put them out of their misery and stop the spread of this deadly social disease.


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