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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Suddenly, Democrats Are Very Into Expressing Love For Country

The always Excitable Don Lemon encapsulates the (fake) feelings of leftists

(Mediaite) Don Lemon led CNN Tonight with a monologue about how President Trump can’t force Americans to embrace a homogenous view of patriotism and First Amendment rights.

As Trump continues to spar with athletes who kneel during the National Anthem, Lemon noted that the protests of Colin Kaepernickwere never about disrespecting the American flag or the military. Lemon said that kneeling is a constitutionally protected expression, and that Trump is only trying to link the protests to the flag in order to justify the profane insults during his rally for Luther Strange:

“Here is what this is about. It’s about focusing attention on racial injustice, focusing attention on racial injustice. It’s about challenging our country to extend the promise of that flag to all citizens, including the citizens whose ancestors were slaves. You may not agree with Colin Kaepernick or the scores of players who take a knee or took a knee this weekend. And that is okay, you don’t have to agree with them. But that’s not really the point here. No American gets to tell another American how to express their love for this country.”



  1. Now, it's kneeling for the anthem because they are actually "expressing their love for their country"?
    They stepped on their you-know-what and now the money is getting short and the future is looking, uh, well, not so bright.
    Time for some "we are really more patriotic than anyone!!' spin.
    It ain't working....
    When you kneel for the anthem but stand for another country's anthem, you just lost 30-40% of all Americans.
    There ain't no taking that back, boys.
    Keep cheering.

    1. You also kneel because you HATE LE and always spew it in your comments about them. The ironing of " keep Cheering " please !

  2. 11:01, with all due respect, WTF are you saying???

    I kneel for Christ. Only. No man, no cause, no song.
    How does one "iron" a phrase?
    Hate the police? Far from it.
    Keep cheering, boy.

  3. Love for country from a Democrat? More of the smoke & mirror show! Can tell midterms are starting early.

  4. People are expressing their love for country by shutting off their TV.

  5. This is the same Don Lemon who was drunk on CNN during their New Years Eve telethon...I mean telecast!

    There should be a real lemon law against Don cuz he's truly the worst car salesman on TV!!!!!!!!! I don't believe ANYTHING he says!


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