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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Stop The Anti-White Hate


  1. They cant. Sheep follow.

  2. So many historically wrong arguments with this post. Why do you think Africa is so bad? Because of what white people did there during Imperialism. You're right, we should stop hate of ALL groups, white included, but this is a poorly constructed argument. There are better ones to be made.

    1. Show me one American American country that is prosperous?? There are none. Look at our last eight years!!! The trillons spent and nothing changes!! It's the caulture!!!

    2. How many murders in Baltimore? How many in Chicago? What color are the voted politicians of those districts with the highest number of murders? What happens to the money that is being pumped into these districts? People are being used and most don't see it. Very sad.

  3. How is my argument 8:10? White people should STOP making black lives matter. For starters cut the free crap out, this white privileged male has my own family to support. You others (any color) get a means of support other than from the working person (any color). How do you like me now?, what's in your wallet?, do you hear me now?

  4. LOL are you for real 8:10! My God how you people have allowed yourselves to be so dumbed down. There is NOTING "historically" or OTHERWISE with this post.
    Now let me school you since you were failed so miserably by your no doubt US public "education."
    There is NO black run country that is lawful and/or self sufficient. No country in Africa one of the oldest inhabited continent in the world that has built anything with the exception of Libya and Egypt until morons obama and clinton screwed those places up.
    Africa has no industry at all. Little running water or sanitation, roads, schools etc Oh yes maybe in the big cities but it's a very small area. 99.9 percent of the people are living on the streets on in shacks with dirt floors. Mostly no electric. They can't even figur out how to grow their own food! What they do know is criminality and perversions like grown men raping not only little girls but infants and it is widely accepted. If that doesn't make you think Africa is bad in and of itself then you are not only an ignoramus but an evil sick person.
    Your reasoning is why blacks will never and can nerve succeed as other races have. They don't have morals or contrary to what most lie about they have no religion. Having morals means taking responsibility something because they are so immoral blacks won't do. Imperialism ended in the early 1900's so that is just one of their many excuses as to why they are such a mess.

  5. Sorry 8:10
    It only has gotten worse since the black leadership has taken control
    You should do some history checking before flapping your gums

  6. The truth hurts and doesn't go with the left's agenda.

  7. If African Americans hate America so much, why not go back to your historical homelands? Why not??? I'm sorry,...i can't hear you? Say it louder. BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE PLANET!
    So, quit bellyaching, stand up for the anthem and flag that represents the greatest country, and get back to work!

  8. Take the NFL players Back to were they think they came from!

  9. "Anonymous said...

    So many historically wrong arguments with this post. Why do you think Africa is so bad? Because of what white people did there during Imperialism. You're right, we should stop hate of ALL groups, white included, but this is a poorly constructed argument. There are better ones to be made.

    September 26, 2017 at 8:10 AM"

    Oh Please. You are beyond clueless. The only thing 'historically' is that the white race as well as the other races EXCEPT for the black race have created great civilizations. As a matter of FACT yes it's true blacks have created NOTHING. As a matter of FACT 'historically' blacks have managed to crap up everywhere they go-inner cities, majority blacks schools for example and if you deny it only proves you are nothing but a lying sack of filth. Now since they are majority football players watch how the 'africans' screw that up. Never 'historically' have they ever taken anything good up to a better level. They 'historically' turn everything to crap and it will happen with football now. And again to deny only proves you are nothing but a liar.

  10. It's time to get over it and join hands to better this country not destroy it.

  11. Keep it coming folks , I'll take out many before I'm hit.

  12. you tube Pastor Manning he will clarify this issue for everyone


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