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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin raps Alejandro Villanueva for standing for national anthem

For Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin, being “respectful of our football team” trumped the right of Steelers offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva to show respect for the national anthem.

A former Army Ranger, Villanueva was the only Steeler to break from the team's orders and come out of the tunnel Sunday in Chicago to stand for "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Speaking after his team's 23-17 loss to the Bears, Tomlin appeared to take a swipe at the Bronze Star recipient's decision.

“Like I said, I was looking for 100 percent participation, we were gonna be respectful of our football team,” Tomlin said.

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  1. Hey Mike your going to be on the unemployment line soon lololol get ready for Welfare.

    1. Tomlin networth, $16 mil with another 6 coming every year. I think you'll be in that line well before he is

  2. Screw football and all sports but Nascar so far. (map)

  3. Maby you should be more respectful to the flag and our country and screw the crybaby team. If this is how you lead a team then you don't deserve the position.

  4. Team before our country? I hope football fans turn off the games and don't buy tickets to games to show respect for those who fought and died for us to be and remain free. Even free to protest. But many of these people don't really understand what they are protesting for. This isn't the way to do it. Down with the NFL!

  5. 5:57. You underestimate how much those fools blow in a month.
    Anybody who continues to support the National Felon League is a pox on society.

  6. Only a FOOL bites the hand that feeds him...

  7. Everyone stop cranking on the poor players and how much cheddar they bring in! Do you fools have any idea how much it costs to insure a Lamborghini?


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