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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

State Overwhelmingly Votes to Demand Congress Remove Cannabis as Schedule 1 Drug

Despite countless studies proving the power of cannabis to treat a number of diseases, the federal government still claims it has no medicinal value.

Despite the fact that over half of the states in the country have legalized cannabis in some form, the federal government still insists that the plant—which has been found to treat a variety of diseases—is one of the most dangerous substances available, with no medicinal value.

Lawmakers in the state of California are now calling out the hypocrisy and calling for the government to reclassify cannabis. A joint resolution that received overwhelming support from the California Assembly, with a vote of 60-10, called for reclassification in order to allow for research that is currently banned with cannabis labeled as a Schedule I substance.



  1. The Feds are going to give the people legal cannabis eventually.
    However, they will find a way to get paid at the same time.
    Follow the money.

    When the CIA made profits from the import of cannabis, it was kept strictly illegal - to drive up the prices and control the opposition. Now that the plant has gone mainstream, the profits for the intelligence agency have dried up. Just that simple.
    Keep in mind the current level of profiteering from the import of heroin is a huge boon for the CIA and has helped to fund innumerable black operations.

  2. Not a big fan of California politics, but every state that has legalized or decriminalized should petition the Fed for a change in classification to C-III or below.

  3. "joint resolution"....I see what you did there!

  4. The head of the DEA is changing we shall see what idiot Jeff Sessions gets propped up in there. Should be interesting. I agree it should be classed much differently. Alcohol is much more dangerous.


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