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Friday, September 22, 2017

Spencer: Navy will ask Congress for $600 million to repair damaged destroyers

The Navy will soon need to request additional funding from Congress to cover an estimated $600 million in repairs to the USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald, Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer said Wednesday.

The two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are needed back in the western Pacific as soon as possible and the Navy will most likely need the repair funding before next year's defense budget, Spencer said during a meeting with reporters at the Pentagon.

"We are going to have to go back up on the Hill because that is outside budget numbers," he said. "It's going to have to be sooner rather than later."

The service is now operating on a stopgap budget until December, when Congress hopes to hammer out a final defense budget. But most 2018 Navy priorities have already been set in National Defense Authorization bills passed by the Senate this week and the House in July.



  1. send them to mexico or whichever country our corporations move to because of cheaper labor. or maybe walmart?

  2. This is exactly why we will lose any extended conflict with another power. We're already broke. We'll all be homeless in the first month of conflict trying to keep up with these costs.


  3. Maybe we should get insurance policies on the ships so repairs can begin after the adjuster writes the check? /sarc ,but understanding crewmembers were injured and killed in the accidents.

  4. We're broke every year with ongoing Continuing Resolutions. Agencies cannot plan when you receive funding every 90-120 days. 20+ years of this unacceptable practice by Congress. Trump is trying, but we need to vote when the time comes for real Cha Cha change!

  5. They don't have the money because they are to busy paying for sex change operations.

  6. take the money out of the welfare budget - its loaded with cash

  7. Welfare should support no more then one
    child. Birth Control Free. It's just
    that simple.

  8. 10:25 : My coworker's sister has nine kids and is on welfare. The county set up a Dr. appointment for birth control (at no cost), arranged for free taxi to and from the Dr. office but she refused saying it was against her religion. Her sister laughed, saying she hadn't been to church in 20 years.
    PS. Now her first child is 15 and pregnant and so the cycle continues.


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