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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

SPD Weekly Interactive Briefing 9-12-17


  1. No offense to the speaker of SPD. I am familiar with the fact he has a job to do.This is the third and last briefing I will view. This crime prevention feel good stuff is so immature. It has been around since the ole days and sounds like speaking to a third grade, no first grade audience. I did cut it off went the fireman came on. Sorry, I don't mean to be negative. We are surrounded with serious crimes now and have a certain bad element roaming this town and concerned with petty offenses. Not petty to the victim....but.

    1. If car owners did not leave their cars unlocked, with valuable in sight, police would not believe car owners have a 3rd grade mentality. The videos are for the benefit of the public. Frankly I thought both men spoke well and had good advice - to car owners and also bike owners and explaining to college students consequences. Hurricane preparedness was informative.

  2. OH YEAH its much easier to complain about SPD when they don't inform the public with broadcast such as these......some people just enjoy complaining about nothing!!!

  3. That Fat Slob Hoppes didn't have anything to talk about because there are no real fires in Salisbury so he had to copy and paste something from the internet to read. What a joke.

  4. Good Lord, I thought this was for POLICE, not Fire Department. A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, does this man know how to speak at all? By the way Hoppes, if it ends in late September, we do NOT have two more months of hurricane season. This is a waste of time. With all the crime in Salisbury, what the hell is this guy dramatizing hurricane preparedness and sucking up all the air time. Sending out well wishes to Texas and Florida, really??? Do these a-holes actually believe other states are watching this video. What a bunch of Idiots. They can't even get a single comment from their viewers BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE!

  5. If they are old enough to drive they should have enough sense to take care of their property without someone explaining it to them.

  6. "The Atlantic hurricane season is a time when most tropical cyclones are expected to develop across the northern Atlantic Ocean. It is currently defined as the time frame from June 1 through November 30, though in the past the season was defined as a shorter time frame."

  7. 3:51, Thanks for the update. Hoppes said through the end of September. Watch the video.


  8. Did he remind fahrpersons to fasten seatbelts when riding on the bumper? Hippity Hoppes should be keeping a low profile.


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