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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sanctuary city mayor resigns over latest sex allegation scandal

After a fifth sexual abuse allegation was launched against him, a Democratic mayor resigned Tuesday.

In April, a man sued Seattle mayor Ed Murray, saying he had been raped by Murray when he was 15 years old, in 1986, and the abuse allegedly continued for several years. After that first claim became public, additional men came forward with similar stories.

In May, after the fourth man came forward stating he also was a victim of Murray’s abuse, Murray dropped his bid for re-election but insisted he would serve out the remainder of his mayoral term.

However, on Tuesday, Murray’s younger cousin, Joseph Dyer, 54, stepped forward to say he too was sexually molested by Murray when he was only 13 years old, during a time the adult Murray was living with his family, back in the 1970s.



  1. Democrat I presume?

  2. Ed Murray, he never met a Peter that he didn't like to puff.

  3. Resigns ??? Let's hope he's prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What do you think became of these victims? How do they move forward from that?


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