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Monday, September 11, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Divorcing Wicomico County Services

Planning and Zoning in Wicomico County has been providing a vital service to the City of Salisbury for literally pennies on the dollar. An example is, the department cost about $1,700,000.00 a year to operate. While the City has been able to take advantage of partnering with the County, the City used to put up about $160,000.00 a year but has now dropped that down to around $100,000.00 a year.

Because Jake Day is a typical Liberal, he wants to once again and grow government at taxpayers expense by breaking away from the County to create his own departments. WHY, because he's desperate for money and I'm being totally serious. 

So Jake wants his own permit department but get this, what I've read is flat out illegal. He's creating what he calls the "middle department". This is a private company that will be in charge of ALL inspections, can you say GOOD OL' BOYS? It would be one thing to have someone who works for the City to do this but instead the City is demanding every taxpayer use this designated company creating a monopoly, which is illegal. 

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  1. Bob Culver if you don't throw him out of the gov building forget about re election.

  2. He should delete the fire agreement

  3. Day is a half wit. Between his "incubators" and his "rebranding" and now this. Anyone associated with him in any way shape or form needs to be embarrassed. Probably not though as they are all the epitome of useless people who contribute nothing positive to society.

  4. Bob Culver if the little boy Mayor wants to break away from the county then make him leave all county government office buildings now and delete all fire department agreements immediately. Cut all these funds off completely. When he comes back crying the blues laugh at him. NO COMMON SENSE left in the City!!!!

  5. Anonymous said...
    He should delete the fire agreement

    September 11, 2017 at 9:49 AM

    That ain't gonna happen when you got Marc Kilmer, John Cannon and Joe Holloway supporting Jake Day and his Fire Service Agreement.

  6. Bob Culver needs to give Jake Day and the City of Salisbury their eviction notice effective immediately. That Government Office and the surrounding parking lots belong to Wicomico County, not the City of Salisbury. Why the Hell the Wicomico County Government let's the City run the parking meters and issue tickets is beyond me. The County has to pay the City for parking passes to park in their own parking lot. Isn't that stupid! EVICTION NOW!

  7. Culver - enough is enough! YOU are the elected LEADER of the County, which the City is merely a part of. It is the City that has dragged the County down. Stop sitting by doing nothing!

  8. I think that they can rent some of those Scotsman (I think that is what they are called) buildings that the school system uses for portable classrooms and place them at the City Yard. There should be plenty of room for enough buildings to house the GOB people since the City tore down the old warehouse that sits along Isabella street. That is of course until the City can secure funding to build a new City Hall.

  9. Jake don't forget to cut the fire service agreement to cause your going to loose money there

  10. Bob should cut Jakester off in a big way. He doesn't need Salisbury but the same cannot be said for Salisbury not needing Wicomico. First, Bob needs to evict the SOBs out of the GOB immediately. Precedence was set when Martin made a payment so there's no legal recourse for the city and their dereliction to pay said rents in that agreement.

    Give them a 72-hour pay or quit on the millions they owe the County and when they don't pay, have the Sheriff's office there to escort them out. Throw their crap out on N. Division and call it a day.

    UHaulIt anyone? Better get Brenda on the phone, Jake. You're gonna need a lot of big trucks to move all your crap out!

    Brenda, get your money up front before releasing a truck, you never know if a city check is legal tender being their budget is illegal in the first place.


  11. If Mr Culver doesn't divorce the city and this clown now he will lose my vote and my family's vote

  12. Culver needs to initiate this divorce with a throwout of the GOB and all surrounding parking areas. Jake can pay for his parking in the garage or at the lot that he wants to make a Section 8 vacation spot. Let him rent from Rinnier like the Board of Ed. Of course, Blaire and Lisa will not let him go in the arrears on rent or building repairs.

  13. Why in the world does the Salisbury Fire Department need a fire marshal. They will be triplicating services done by the County and the State Fire Marshal.

    We all know it's to generate revenue to pay for the paid firemen that Jake Day and Jim Ireton hired.

  14. I bet you idiots are sorry you voted for that Libertarian named Muir Bota aren't yo!


  15. You are safe in assuming that any and all appointed to these new jobs have sworn fealty to the Woodchuck.

    It staggers me to believe this character made it through OCS and learned exactly nothing about actual leadership. We are in a world of hurt with this knucklehead's hand on the tiller.


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