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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Salisbury Fire Department Is Losing One Of The Good Guys, Dave Insley 9-3-17

I found this avery sad. 27 years and that is all that showed up for his retirement? Where is the Mayor? Where are the rest of the employees of the SFD? MORE showed up for the selfie that the Boy Mayor took a few weeks ago. What about the "brotherhood" or family we always hear about?


  1. Thank you for your service.

  2. They are are talk on the blogs about brotherhood and being there for each other in the good times and bad times. Well here is rock solid proof that the majority of them only care about one thing and that is 'me'!
    What can 'me' do to advance 'me' or make 'me' look good to the higher ups! The photo op is the perfect example of sucking up to the 'boy mayor'.

    1. Yep...a bunch of keyboard drama queens

  3. Grew up in Mardela with David. Truly a good firefighter and EMT. Enjoy your retirement, you've earned it!


  4. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck wasn't elbowing into each photo?

  5. Does this have anything to do with today's tragedy?

    Posted on SFD Face Book - on 8/30.2017 ?Captain Insley ate dinner with the duty shift, reminisced about his lengthy and eventful career, and received a salute and "Thank you" from the career and volunteers on duty.
    Thanks for the memories, Cap.
    God Speed."

    No one was there but duty personnel on 8/30. Perhaps the question should be "by who's choice"?

  6. It was never announced.

  7. Maybe He wanted it that way?

  8. They don't do this stuff for vollys

  9. Had another guy retire last year and he didn't want all the BS commotion that typically goes along with the last shift. It's sad when their own guys retire and don't want it announced until the last minute to avoid the fakeness of the everyone.

  10. Someone's retirement is boring to a millennial. Day is a millennial. Nothing to see there. He's not a retirement party kind of guy. He'd rather be pitching to the masses a folk music festival this area can't possibly support. We don't have the hotels with full services for the acts or the motel space for the attendees. Unworkable but who cares because it sounds good. Retirements don't have the glitz. Shame on you all for not understand what Day's capabilities and preferences. He's been in office long enough for you to get his number. Get a grip.

  11. Jake is very metrosexual. Plaids and dungarees aren't his deal. He's not designed for a hoedown for a retiree. He'd rather be sipping Apple Martinis at some trendy bar like Sobo's or Market Street. Please be more realistic about your leader. You voted for him, you must have known.

  12. I thought that SPD and SFD did their retirement announcements at the same yearly function when they recognize officer training and promotions? I may be misinformed.....

  13. Insley is a "nice guy" but his whole career was marred with conflict. He has more write ups then anyone in the Salisbury fire department because - He was one of the "good ole boys" who got away with a lot. With that said I pray that he overcomes his health problems and I pray that he gets to enjoy his retirement.

  14. There is no brotherhood in the Salisbury Fire Department. Ask Lorenzo and several of the other ones that "retired." Only certain ones get the big retirement parties. After 27 years Captain Insley should have been given a retirement party worth remembering.

  15. Jon Gray didn't get a retirement party either, but they made sure that Greg Hoppes, the laziest Farmin in the Salisbury Fire Department, got a nice send off.

    Greg Hoppes was just as lazy as Rick Hoppes. Spent his last years as the Supply Lieutenant and most of that time was spent playing Solitaire on the computer and that is a fact. Spent the rest of his time out by the fire hydrant out back smoking cigarettes all day long. He also got away with smoking cigarettes driving on calls or running errands in one of the pick up trucks.

  16. That's our mayor the one with the Kim Jung UN haircut.

  17. Who is Jon Gray? I don't recall that name at the fire department.

  18. Woodchuck . . .

    Absolutely hilarious!

  19. He gets his smiley ass face around more than Paulmar Gilis used to.


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