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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Republican State Legislators Ask Frosh To Exit DACA Suit

A Carroll County Republican is again taking issue with a suit by state Attorney General Brian Frosh against the Trump administration.

In a letter drafted by Del. Haven Shoemaker and several Republican colleagues, he asks Frosh to withdrawn from a California-led suit challenging President Donald Trump's plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

The letter implies that Marylanders who have been granted protection by DACA drove down the wages and employment of American citizens and legal residents in Maryland.

The General Assembly earlier this year gave Frosh broad power to sue the administration without the case-by-case approval of lawmakers or the governor. The Republican lawmakers requested that Frosh "cease further abusing your new unchecked powers... and reconsider your participation in the referenced action against the Trump Administration on behalf of the citizens of Maryland regarding the repeal of DACA."



  1. Show us the hard numbers that show that DACA is good for Maryland. The numbers, not the emotions, not the sweeping statements that always end up being another chapter in the big lie.

  2. So you try to appeal to froshole on things he dosent give a hoot about?? That draft dodger dosent care about marylanders wages or quality of life. He dosent care what the majority want, heck he dosent even care about the constitution, nor marylanders rights or even their jobs!. All this froshhole cares about is more ignorant voters for his party and tax and spend. I'm beginning to think every damn one of ya has a screw loose!!!

  3. Have to get rid of Busch and Miller before it will happen.


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