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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Report: McMaster Labeled Trump "Scary, a Dope"

“I see my mission as preventing him from blowing up the globe”

National Security Advisor General H.R. McMaster labeled President Donald Trump “a dope,” said it was “scary” that he had the nuclear football and vowed to stop him from “blowing up the globe”.

That’s according to long time Trump confidante Roger Stone, who said the remarks were made when McMaster was attempting to recruit Oracle CEO Safra Catz to chair the president’s Intelligence Advisory Board.

“Catz and McMaster were having dinner at a public restaurant….McMaster became inebriated but during that time he took a call from the president,” Stone told the Alex Jones Show, adding that when McMaster returned to the table “he had nothing but disparaging things to say about his boss.”


1 comment:

  1. A drunk National Security Advisor !! Guess I'd better find a strong shelter.


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