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Monday, September 25, 2017

Police: Cousins charged in delivery man's death ate pizza after shooting

MILWAUKEE — Two Milwaukee cousins charged in connection with the shooting death of a pizza delivery man ate the food brought to the apartment as the delivery man died outside the front door, a criminal complaint filed Thursday said.

According to the charging document, Mekael Kennedy, 17, told detectives that he had his girlfriend place the food order last Friday evening and that his intention was only to rob the delivery person.

Kennedy wore a hockey mask and was armed with a .22 caliber handgun when Clarence Taper arrived with the food. Kennedy told a detective that the gun "accidentally" when off when Taper "lunged at him" during the robbery.



  1. Killed over a pizza and left to die....evil has no boundries

  2. Savage animals have to respect for life. He killed a man for a pizza? This thug is most likely to be one who will say he was "disrespected" just for looking at him from across the street.

  3. I thought this was Tony's pizza.

  4. This is the type of person the NFL is taking a knee for.

    1. 2:43 Yup. Black on black crime is rampant but not a peep from the NFL. Hypocrites all of them.

  5. Why are these people allowed to live?

  6. No death penalty in Wisconsin since 1853. Too bad.

  7. they didn't need to do that. Pizza is just as good cold ...

  8. Well put him in prison by mistake.lol


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