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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Panera CEO Challenges Fast Food Execs To Eat From Their Kids’ Menus For A week

When it comes to verbal throwdowns, Panera CEO Ron Shaich isn’t shy about expressing how he really feels about the chain’s rivals. Now, he’s challenging fast food executives to eat exclusively from their kids’ menus to prove they really like their own offerings. 


  1. Yeah right those guys have personal chefs and gym trainers they don't eat that processed slop.
    There's no Rolex in the Happy Meal.

  2. I was in a local convenience store the other day getting my $1 cup of coffee. Ahead of me in line was a middle aged woman with a little girl about 4-5 years old. The woman (grandma?) was buying her a bag of gummy bears and a fountain soda. The little girl looked up at me and smiled. All that she had for teeth were two rows of blackened stumps.

    How does this happen anymore?

    1. Because some consider them "just baby teeth" and don't understand that they can cause problems with the developing permanent teeth.

  3. That might be a death sentence for the Chipotle CEO.

  4. I've eaten at Panera.The food is Ok. The clientele, however, makes me want to yak!

  5. Neither of these twi businesses are in my price range. It's obvious to me they love their food more than my wallet does. Like Moe's, when a burrito starts at $8.50, I'm at Taco Bell, or making my own for about $1.25.

    Why they are in financial trouble, well, I guess we'll never know, right?

  6. Have you checked out Panera's sodium contents? It will kill you.

  7. Panera Broccoli soup that watery for $6:00?

    I don't think so


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