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Saturday, September 09, 2017

Our schools should teach people basic life skills again.


  1. Is it too late, are we too far gone?

  2. That and a Basic Morals class.

  3. If I were in charge of education in this country my first priority would be that every child be given swimming lessons. It is insane to me that we have so many people in this country that never learned to swim because they had no access to a pool. At some point in your life you are going to end up in water and it's appalling to me that we allow people to die so often because they were never taught this basic skill.

  4. I Agree 100% 12:05 !!

  5. Every kid should know water safety. Every kid should know how to cook and clean and take care of themselves. Its not the school's responsibility, its the parent's. My child can do all that because i showed him. I don't want to pay more taxes for professional teachers to teach people basic life skills that are the responsibility of the parents. Maybe use tax dollare to pay for driving classes for everyone so they stop crashing at 60 ft road. People have a personal responsibility to raise their children properly and not rely on the government.


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