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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Original Author Contacts SBYNews

"Dear Non-Floridians"  that now has been shared/copied/pasted 500,000 times plus...

I wrote it after being offered flights out, amongst other avenues...to work on some TV, Radio projects. In fact 3 tickets were purchased and cancelled because I couldn't leave until I knew everyone I cared for was ok.

A few months ago, after moving out of our family home, I took up temporary residence in a retirement community and I saw Florida and its residence a bit differently...that is what inspired the letter.

Does it excite me a little that my letter got so much attention? Yes, it does. Mainly for awareness. We always think we can solve someone else's dilemmas better than they can.

We have perfect ways for how other people should do things. I just wanted to speak positively on why those of us who stayed, stayed.

Here's the original link, and thank you to all who shared.


I have a show on relationships, called The Relationchicks with my co-host and friend Lauri Loewenburg, and we also signed a deal and will be joining The Little Women Franchise currently on Lifetime Network.

By the abundant grace of our amazing God, I've been blessed.

He spoke to my heart many years ago and said I just want my people to understand my great love for them. We are all His people! The best way for us to show His love, is to love each other.

I pray all of you make it through IRMA victoriously and with no damage.

I hope you know The Good News of Jesus, and understand the grace that covers you.

Much love,

Melinda Ann


  1. My thoughts are, how tired I am of people telling me what I should be thinking and saying. I am also tired of idiots who stay in place and then cry when there is no help.

    There was one video clip on the MSM of some illegal that sheltered in place and then whined that "no one has shown up to help us". Well, darling, you WERE told to leave and that is why you were told to leave.

    So as a Non Floridian, I don't want to hear your ignorant whining when you don't do what is asked of you and you didn't properly prepare and now you are stuck.

  2. Just another liberal trying to control my free speech by telling me what I should and shouldn't be saying.

  3. Wow, you two didn't read either article, did you? (504, 505)

  4. 8:07 AM you just into those fake feel good facebook sobby stories that have no actual resemblance to real life.

    Don't Cry For Me Argentina

  5. 853 your the reason why it was written lol. You can't see the irony in your comments hahahaha. Thank you for the laugh


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