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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Obama, Holder Group Push $500,000 Into Virginia Governor Race

A group focused on redistricting linked to former President Barack Obama gave $500,000 to the Democratic Party of Virginia to support the gubernatorial campaign of Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, records show.

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), a Washington, D.C.-based organization founded in 2016 that is chaired by former Attorney General Eric Holder, is dedicated to "enacting a comprehensive, multi-cycle Democratic Party redistricting strategy over the next 5 years and beyond." The group seeks to impact the 2021 redistricting process by utilizing electoral, legal, and ballot initiative components.

"Republican gerrymandered districts after the 2010 Census have put Democrats at a massive structural disadvantage," the NDRC website states. "That’s why the most important turning point for the future of the Democratic Party will take place in 2021: when states redraw their Congressional and state legislative lines."



  1. Hey Richie Riches, who have enough money to THROW away - put that money to better use. I'll take $5K to help build a cement walkway/ramp at a home for a disabled veteran OR individual in need!! Any money left over - bonus for the person in need!

    We do more of that in this world - many would be better off.

    Instead - $500K goes to a friggin campaign. WOW how dumb we really have become!


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