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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nolte: Steve Bannon Says out Loud What We All Knew: Hillary Clinton's 'Not Very Bright'

During his Sunday night interview with Charlie Rose on 60 Minutes, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon finally said out loud what many of us already knew: that Hillary Clinton is “not very bright.”

This was actually my favorite part of the interview because nothing is healthier for our culture than the truth, most especially a truth no one dares to speak out loud.

For 25 years, Madam Clinton has been in the public eye, and for 25 years we have been told time and again and again and again two whoppers: 1) Hillary is brilliant. 2) When you get to know her, Hillary is a warm, funny, vibrant real person.

We expect Democrats and leftwing activists to tell us this. What else are they going to say? My problem is that it has been the national media, those who pose as objective truth-tellers, who have been spreading and cementing this fable. It is those who wear the uniform of journalists who keep telling us that this bumbling, fumbling, tone deaf, two-time failure is,when you really get to know her, a dazzling personality wrapped around a super-smart brain.

Granted, I do not know Hillary Clinton. I’ve never met her, nor have I even seen her in person. Nevertheless…



  1. While Trump is a rocket scientist?
    Mr. "Bigly huuuge".

  2. Now that's funny
    New that from day one

  3. That's bull. Hillary is smart, she just uses it for evil.

  4. Trump is way smarter than you 6:05

    People like Hillary, Pelosi, Waters Bill Nye are so smart that they don't realize how stupid they are


  5. Yep. Despite an Ivy League (Seven Sisters) undergrad degree and Yale Law sheepskin she couldn't pass the DC Bar exam. Too smart for words! What Happened?

  6. She thinks she's smarter than everybody else, just like 90% of prison inmates.

  7. Great article. I agree completely. She has done nothing but ruin the democratic party. She uses her husbands name to make money for herself. She is a joke and shouldn't be given any more attention. Democrats dislike her more now than Republicans do. If she was really about charity and helping people like she claims she wouldn't be doing this massive book tour already. It hasn't even been a year yet. IT's like she just has to stay in the spotlight. Go away Hillary! OF course this has to happen after maybe Trump's best week in office so far.

  8. She Is Devious though !!! Others owe her & protect her !!!


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