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Sunday, September 24, 2017

No One Injured In Trooper- Involved Shooting During Foot Pursuit Of Car Theft Suspects In Wicomico Co.

(SALISBURY, MD) – After almost striking a trooper on patrol and a subsequent foot pursuit during which a trooper fired at, but did not hit, a suspect he thought was reaching for a gun, two juvenile car theft suspects are under arrest this morning in Wicomico County.

The male suspects are 16 and 17 years old and are both from Salisbury, Md. They are currently being charged as juveniles and therefore are not being identified. Neither was injured during the incident.

The preliminary investigation by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit indicates that just after 12:00 a.m. today, a Maryland state trooper from the Salisbury Barrack was patrolling northbound on Rt. 12 when a southbound 2009 Chevrolet Equinox crossed the centerline and veered toward him, almost striking his patrol car. The trooper turned around, activated his emergency equipment and attempted to stop the vehicle.

The driver of the vehicle refused to stop and the trooper reported to the barrack that he was in pursuit. A check of the vehicle’s tag number by the barrack indicated the tag was stolen. Two other troopers heard the pursuing trooper report he was heading in the direction of Washington Street and they attempted to intercept the vehicle there.

When they arrived in the area, the two troopers saw two individuals, later identified as the suspects, fleeing on foot. They gave commands to stop which were ignored and a foot pursuit ensued through several backyards on Washington Street.

According to the preliminary investigation, one of the troopers pursuing one of the suspects saw him reach to the area of his waistband as he was running. Believing the suspect may have been reaching for a gun, the trooper fired one shot from his department-issued pistol. The suspect was not hit and surrendered.

The second suspect was apprehended by Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office deputies a short distance away. He was taken into custody without further incident.

While the suspects were being processed, relatives of one of them contacted the barrack and reported their wallets and cash had been taken from their vehicle. The suspect had been at their home earlier in the night.

Investigators have confirmed the registration plate was stolen in Cambridge several days ago. They confirmed the Chevrolet Equinox was reported stolen to the Salisbury Police Department on September 16th.

Maryland State Police crime scene technicians have processed the scene. A gun has not been recovered. Technicians did recover a cell phone and a bag of suspected marijuana.

The thefts are being investigated by troopers and criminal investigators from the Salisbury Barrack.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit is investigating the trooper-involved shooting. The Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit will also be conducting an investigation, as is procedure. The trooper involved in the shooting has been placed on administrative leave, which is also State Police procedure.

The investigation is continuing.


  1. I love how cops investigate other cops, and as usual, will find no wrong doing even if there was... Not saying there was, or this time there was...

    I investigated myself, and found, no wrong doing, no breaking of policy or the law...

    1. My father was in internal affairs and he hated crooked cops because they ruined the reputation of the good cops. He loved nothing more than getting bad cops off the street.
      I promise you, no one wants bad cops punished more than the good cops.

    2. So you think it's stupid for cops to conduct a criminal investigation of other cops? Who should do the criminal investigation if not a cop? Maybe you've got a doctor or geologist in mind, perhaps a college professor or a gardener could conduct the criminal investigation. Do you see the stupidity of your comment yet?

  2. Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies, I salute you for job well done! The parents had no business searching through the car for wallet or anything else, as this recovery of a stolen car was a crime scene. lqt

    1. I think you need to re-read the article. The relatives are saying their wallets and cash are missing after the boys visited them, indicating they are victims of a crime!

  3. 11:45 - you are an idiot. Blessing that no one was injured. Running from law enforcement puts many lives at risk. These "kids" need to be charged as adults.

  4. 11:45 You have no idea what you are talking about. Until you don a badge, keep your apparent ignorance off the comment section.

  5. Lighten up 12:23. It is very obvious from remarks made that 11:45 hasn't got anything it takes to polish, not along wear a shield.

  6. 16&17 year old riding around in stolen vehicle with stolen tags with weed in the car and the ghetto 'bury mentality of the parents is to have nerve accusing someone of taking money. Yep that's priorities in right place there. Thank god no innocent bystanders got caught up in this. Can't wait until these little thugs visit Jake day at his folk festival

  7. 11:45'. Your investigation of yourself was deeply flawed, otherwise your self internal investigation would have revealed that you know nothing about the law or law enforcement duties. Properly conducted by a competent investigator, it would have determined that, you my son are not qualified to be one of them or even sharpen their pencils, but would determine that you are a "flaming idiot"

  8. According to the preliminary investigation, one of the troopers pursuing one of the suspects saw him reach to the area of his waistband as he was running. Believing the suspect may have been reaching for a gun, the trooper fired one shot from his department-issued pistol. The suspect was not hit and surrendered.

    So basically procedure is to cower in fear and kill a person before you even know if they are shooting at you. Kid pulling up his pants is now justified for killing.

    How pathetic our popo have become.
    How pathetic our citizens have become that unjustifiably killing a man is the status quo.

    What a sad world we live in.

    Hope the next death isn't your dad or grandpa. Because they lived in a different world where every person was not automatically deemed a killer, and one wrong move on their part is a justifiable kill per the popo.

    1. AND...if the kid would have never run from the LEO in the 1st place, no shots would have been fired. But just continue overlooking that because it does not fit your natrative. Follow the law and respect the Po Po and all would be good.

  9. 11:45 AM I get it, and you are 100% correct.

  10. 12:59 - and I'm sure if you were in that situation you would wait to see what the kid was doing before you protected yourself. You only have a few seconds to decide. Give me a break. All of you law enforcement "haters" are the first to call on them when in need - and most of you who complain have rap sheets - so you have NO credibility.

  11. 12:59 - calling them "popo" says all we need to know about you.

    1. Lmao true that. Hands across America for a total POS. Call the thugs next time you have a problem if they are so great.

  12. Robbery in broad daylight @ Food Lion on Rt. 50 east, parking lot. Stole Purse. This happened on 9/19 around 4 p.m....I personally know the victim. I'm tired of reading these stories and seeing these reports; now I'm posting personally. Crime (drug related) is out of hand in Wicomico County.

    1. 1:17 Was it a robbery or a theft because Spd has it coded as a theft. A theft would be if it was taken out of a shopping cart, a robbery would be if it was taken directly from a person and involved some type of assault. Cc# 201700041700

    2. You mean 50 West? Is there a Food Lion on 50 E?

  13. 1:08 PM - 1:09 PM Amazing that you can tell I am a married white middle aged female from the word popo.

    Never said I hated cops, those are your words. But when we grew up cops didn't cower like little girls and shoot at anything that moved.
    That was actually deemed murder. Now its the norm.

    Educate yourself sheeple.

    1. Were you there? You think you would have handled it better? Why not apply for a job in law enforcement since you would have handled it so differently and everyone could have thrown you a parade. All you are is a Monday morning quarterback that is running your mouth about something you have no idea about. Stay safe in your house because your way of thinking is dangerous. And btw, my grandfather never ran from the police. And another thing, people got their a$$ beat by the police back then way more than they do now. Wonder if you would feel the same way if it was your car that was stolen or if you were a victim.

  14. Police should have shot them right in the ass....I know their pants had to be falling down....Police need to shoot more often and ask less questions...yeah it's a different time for sure.... animal's on the loose, shootem' ask questions later! Eliminate the baby THUGS early!!!!

  15. 1:23.....white middle aged female my ass!. As for your 12:59 comment. Did you forget that the trooper originally tried to stop them because they crossed the center line and almost hit him head on at 12:00am? Did you also forget that they did not stop when he activated his lights? Did you also forget that the trooper was informed the tag was stolen while he was in pursuit? Did you also forget that when they finally did stop they ran? Yes, you're right, he had no reason to believe the guy was reaching for a gun.

  16. Maybe it was just a warning shot. If so then it worked. If he fired and missed the target then someone else could have been hurt or killed. Either way, I'm glad that no one was killed and hopefully the "two yoots" will learn from this mistake (not) and will attempt to live clean and wholesome lives from this day forward.

  17. To 12:37. I stand corrected! I re-read the story and that time saw it as you did. Sorry for my error. Thank you. lqt

  18. It's a sad world that we live in when we have to share the same air with people like 12:59 PM.

  19. 1:53 Great reply! 1:23 lives in lala land. I bet "she" believes there is no crime in Salisbury too! Those of us with contacts in law enforcement and PRMC know just how bad things truly are. Grossly under reported!

  20. Hey 12:59 - It's real simple. Don't steal cars or wallets and you don't put yourself in harms way. I commend the officer's for protecting themselves. I don't understand why you snow flakes think it's OK to steal, rob and loot but it's not OK for police officers to protect the public and themselves. These men and women are the heroes, not the thugs that prey on others. Get a life and a job then come back and comment on this blog!

  21. Establish a curfew of 2300 for those under 18 and then fine the guardians if their charges violate said curfew.

  22. 12:59 - what thoughtful, hardworking, educated person refers to the police as "popo". Sounds like you lead a thug's life. No wonder you identify with them.

  23. I love all the computer jockeys who type away safe inside your house while the real men actually go out and attempt to stop crime only to be critized by people who know nothing about LE. Comical.

  24. I can't believe they are being charged as juveniles. If you are going to willingly commit a crime like this your should be charged and named as an adult. Who decides if they get charged as an adult or juvenile? Maybe someone in the family knows someone on the police force.

  25. They will be back in school telling of their adventure in a few days.


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