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Monday, September 11, 2017

New State Youth Detention Center Replaces City Facility Shut Down Two Years Ago

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– The new state youth detention center has opened and it replaces the Baltimore City Detention Center that was shut down two years ago.

The goal is to rehabilitate youth offenders charged as adults, rather than simply warehouse them.

For years juvenile offenders charged as adults were locked up at the Baltimore City Detention Center where conditions were so bad for adults Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan deemed the facility inhumane and shut it down.

The new youth center is a $35 million upgrade built to comply with a 2007 Department of Justice agreement with the State for significant improvements for juveniles in custody.



  1. "The goal is to rehabilitate youth offenders charged as adults, rather than simply warehouse them."

    And so it has been for a hundred years. Did they forget or lose their way?

  2. You cannot rehabilitate people that are released into a society with no morals it's a waste of money and an exercise in futility.

  3. $350,000,000 / 60 = $533,330 per person housed. This figure does NOT include staffing, materials to school, etc. Must be nice to be a criminal!!!

  4. For most, it'll be the best, most well-kept lodging they've ever had, with three squares a day, clean sheets and clean clothes to boot.


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