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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

N. Korea says Trump’s “Rocket Man” Insult Means Missile Attacks On US Mainland ‘Inevitable’

Apparently the only person more thin-skinned than the Hollywood elites and snowflake liberals is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

President Trump calling him “Rocket Man” on the floor of the UN was the last straw for the diminutive dictator, who is threatening mainland United States with a missile attack. Assuming, of course, he can keep it from breaking up over the water and also assuming that we don’t shoot it down before it can get to us.

Little men have big dreams.



  1. as long as they only attack California i'm ok with it

  2. Even though he is a flea on the back of a dog - 1 nuclear missile denotation is one way too many to imagine, let alone afford to happen.

  3. If he could he already would have. When he can he will try. Simple as that!

    And I too am good with a CA hit. Really the entire west coast south of Alaska is fine with me.

  4. 5:18 congratulations, you've just supported the killing of Americans. Now what is your stance on not disrespecting the flag again...

  5. I thought Rocket Man was a good name for him. If he knew what other Americans are calling him, he would think rocket man was mild and appropriate.

  6. They will NEVER Reach us and NK will Fail to Exist !!! LOL

  7. One Sub will take care of them (right near their coast) LOL

  8. N K had better start having Missile Warning Drills
    Not Hawaii !!!

  9. After NK Gone / Iran is Next ...see Ya !!

  10. Goodbye North Korea.


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