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Thursday, September 28, 2017

MSNBC Leaves Out Tennessee Shooter’s Nationality

MSNBC has refused to tell its viewers that the gunman in the Tennessee church shooting is a Sudanese immigrant, instead identifying him as being from Tennessee.

In the seven mentions of the shooter’s identity on the network from Sunday afternoon when the shooting occurred until Monday morning, MSNBC never mentioned his status as an immigrant. They did share his name, age, photo, and his residence in Murfreesboro, TN.

25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson is originally from Khartoum, Sudan and legally immigrated to the United States in the 1990s. Samson attended high school in Tennessee.


1 comment:

  1. And that is not all. I saw one story on the news about this shooting. Remember when Dylan Roof shot nine people in Georgia. All you saw on the news for 3-4 days was his face and the fact that a white man had shot nine blacks in a church on a Sunday. Then the charges. HATE CRIME! He was seen on Facebook with a Confederate flag. Let's immediately take down all Confederate flags in the nation because this is what Confederate flags breed. Yeah, right. Now it is a black guy, who is originally not even from this country, but did immigrate here legally, who shoots 6 whites in a church on Sunday and there is one little story and what do you want to bet that he only charged with one murder and attempted murder on the other five. NO HATE CRIME! Must be because he was oppressed, right? So what's up MSM. Biased much?


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