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Friday, September 08, 2017

More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump

More than 6,500 people registered to vote in New Hampshire on Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle.

Conservatives say the state’s same-day registration is an invitation for fraud because of loose proof-of-residence rules.

New Hampshire House Speaker Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the numbers Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety.

Since Election Day, Republicans have charged that a significant number of nonresident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting a close race to their party.



  1. Can't be true. The dumbocrats keep telling us there is no voter fraud

  2. Or it's college students you moron.

    1. Really? 6500 students all registeted the same day?

  3. Has anyone else noticed that the frauds always seem to be perpetrated by the Party of Liberal Jim? What's Melowese up to these days?

  4. Www need a State by State cross check on all voters and punish the double voters harshly.

  5. Can't prove residency? What a bunch of crap you should be able to prove citizenship.

  6. The names are there, the votes recorded. What's holding the state back from doing something about it? Every one of those votes cast for a Democrat cancelled out one of a resident voter who voted other than Democrat. This is a big deal.

  7. While Republicans are in control of all branches of Federal Gov. need to make a Federal voter ID law!

  8. It's going to take all states to do this voter ID before the next election, but it's a State thing, not Federal. Because the R's are in charge of the Federal House and Senate means nothing.

    It is up to the individual states to react to what Judicial Watch has exposed, but with Maryland being a very Blue state, there's not much hope here or in any other Blue state, because fraud is the only way a Democrat can win an election.

    What a bad enemy to have here in America.


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