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Friday, September 15, 2017

Mom asks for $1 million after she claims principal shaved her sons beard

She says, "Oh my gosh, mental anguish. So many questions. Who, what, when, where, and how?"

Lasheena Davis' says she was shocked when her son Jakauan came home with no beard.

She accuses principal Anthony Yarbrough of shaving it.

She says, "Since then, my son's attitude about school has changed." .

Davis saying the shaving caused a rash and the cream to treat it costs a hundred dollars.



  1. So cream cost a bill and she wants a mill. Simple people are nucking futs.

  2. Looks to me like they never touched his skin, just used a Wahl clipper to get it to 1/8 inch.

    Poor baby, I hope he didn't cry for too long, it would make me laugh too hard!

    It doesn't look like any "medical emergency" to me, it looks a lot like something you could request to have done at a barber shop!

  3. How freaking ridiculous!

  4. #1 what the hell is the principal doing/thinking? How exactly is a beard tied to the kids education?

    #2 its actually a violation of civil rights to force him to shave. Look it up.

    #3 yes, the rash that can occur from shavimg can be quite nasty and leave permanent scars

    In a nutshell, principal went out his way to violate kid's civil rights and put the kid at risk

  5. All staged setup to get some free money. Just like the guy who put his 77 year old mom at airport terminal in wheelchair to fly across country and supposedly ended up in London as if she was totally unaware of where she was and airline people just shuffled on and off flights without proper documentation

  6. He looks like he is in his mid 20's.

  7. No doctors note till she finds a black doctor who will give her one for some payback.


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