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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Meet the Lovely Antifa Members Who Were Arrested In Berkeley

Photos have now emerged of the dregs of society who were arrested as part of the Antifa riots in Berkeley, California. And, seriously, each and every one of them looks like a low life.

The arrests were made during the Antifa riots when a conservative-minded group canceled a rally they had planned at Martin Luther King Jr. Park near the University of California at Berkeley campus.

The City of Berkeley has released the list of those arrested with the charges filed against them, and released photos of 11 of the 13 arrested, Daily Wire reported.



  1. On Craig's list...... George Sorros is paying them up to 25.00.an he to riot..... a Seal team needs to put Sorros to rest

  2. Sponsored by the California teacher's unions! You can look it up!

  3. can't even tell if some are girls or boys

  4. All white Trash Bernie Hillary AW.

  5. They need to be targeted.

  6. The look like they'll do anything for a klondike bar!!

  7. Check all of their W-2's for income paid by Soros.

  8. Anyone can tell these are not people with principles. They were not there to protest, but to do exactly what they were arrested for.

  9. can we please have a rally on the shore and show them a little bit of redneck justice? that would be a blast!

  10. Do any of them have real jobs? I doubt it.

  11. I'm glad to read that many of the commenters are "onto" Mr. Soros.
    Good for you.

    But let's remain above the fray.
    Murder is not American.

    He should be charged and prosecuted for treason.
    But who will do it?


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