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Friday, September 22, 2017

McCarthy: Something fishy about Obama officials’ Manafort wiretapping denials

'They were saying they never targeted Trump himself for surveillance'

After months of current and former federal officials insisting there was no merit to allegations the government conducted surveillance on Donald Trump or his campaign during the 2016 cycle, there are now reports that former campaign manager Paul Manafort was being wiretapped.

After Trump tweeted his frustration at the Obama administration for green-lighting the alleged wiretapping, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper rejected the assertion.

“For the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect as a candidate or against his campaign,” said Clapper on NBC’s “Meet the Press” back in March.

But CNN’s revelation that the government did procure a FISA warrant against Manafort and conduct surveillance on him in 2016 and 2017 brings such denials under the spotlight once again. Most importantly, did they lie?

Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy told WND and Radio America the way Clapper and others carefully worded their denials earlier this year probably leaves them some wiggle room.



  1. The truth will finally come out and many will face serious jail time.

  2. We will never know the truth and there will be no convictions on any Obama constituent or Democrat because all will be protected by the "shadow government" of Obama / Soros / Bloomberg / Clintons.

  3. Agree 11:54 - that is why the media and others are so afraid of Trump...he isn't one of them and would love to expose them all.

  4. Joe did you know that there was no city water in downtown Salisbury all morning? Don't know if it is back on yet or not.


  5. 'Clapper' is a synonym for bald faced liar.

  6. A sham investigation,no indictments,no culpability,no accountability,la la la under the rug it goes with the hundreds of other cases that someone should have hung out to dry for. So goes our beloved government.


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