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Sunday, September 03, 2017

McCain leads criticism of Trump over Arpaio pardon

Democrats, immigrant rights activists and other members of the anti-Trump resistance were enraged by President Trump’s pardon late Friday of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

And so was Sen. John McCain.

While most Republicans remained silent on the pardon, Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican who has frequently battled both Mr. Arpaio and Mr. Trump, released a statement saying the president had undercut his own proclamations of law and order.

“Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge’s orders,” said Mr. McCain. “The president has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.”



  1. McCain
    World's biggest DEMOCRAT.

  2. McCain is an old worn out a$$
    He is irrelevant and immaterial
    Mr. Trump did the right thing
    No one should go to jail for enforcing the law.
    If they aren't illegal there was nothing to worry about
    End of conversation

  3. This man is a disgrace to our country!

  4. Why is a us coast guard commander Carl Schultz on CNN giving live updates ? Does he still work for Obama or Trump he needs to be calling into Fox news NOT CNN.

  5. 1:22 Hillary Lost....Get over it.

  6. McCain, please go quietly or we'll have Jane Fonda come visit you AGAIN!

  7. Sorry 1:22 I was referring to McCain. I should be more clear!!

  8. Finally we have a reason to excuse McCain's ridiculous comments. He has brain damage.

  9. Ignore the ignorant.

  10. I like Donald and I like Joe.

  11. Cat should run away with Piglosia.

  12. McCain. Go home. Enjoy what time you have left with your family. Your daughter is a great Republican - you not so much. God bless

  13. F him, it's time for him to get somewere, he's the only vet that I have zero respect for.

  14. Trump was correct, McCain is no hero. Lately he has actually been anti-American.

  15. Just go away John

  16. He did not follow the law... he broke the law and thought he could take the law in to his own hands.
    Well he got away with it.. one criminal protecting another.

  17. If he had had a trial by jury he most probably would NOT have been convicted. However, he did NOT. Case closed.

  18. All Sheriff Arpaio did was inforce the immigration laws. He did not target these individuals they targeted themselves. He has the right to check or investigate their immigration status. Yet Obama pardon's Manning the transvestite who sold secrets, and no one protested that outrage. McCain is a joke!

  19. Bob Aswell....Realist tired of the liarsAugust 29, 2017 at 11:15 AM

    Don't worry, time is going to catch up with our man McCain. My best bet in less than a year, we won't have to listen to him or Mike Busch.
    Poetic Justice!!!!! Bob Aswell....Realist tired of the liars

  20. wasnt McCain pardoned by Nixon?? If not, I believe McCain would still be in prison.

  21. August 29, 2017 at 6:31 AM

    Oh snowflake, go sit on the couch and be quiet.

    Dogg, this was brought up and at least two of us searched for that but could not find a definitive answer about if he got pardoned or not.

  22. As our corrupt congressmen never leave office voluntarily, it is only fitting that this corrupt congressman will leave involuntarily due to his terminal illness. He does not have much longer to block his own party's president, over his personal vendetta.

  23. It was Obama who took executive action which was contrary to our laws. There is a process that immigrants must follow. Illegals were allowed to come here in masses under Obama and the states had a huge burden to provide services for them. Sheriff Arpaio had every right to uphold the law of the land. Liberal judges chose to back the Obama. That's why it's important for Trump to move along on appointing judges who will uphold the Constitution and hold people accountable for breaking our laws.


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