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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Maxine Waters Owns a $4.3Million Mansion - How did that happen?


  1. How do you THINK she got that??

    And the IRS goes after "we, the people" for $300. And, they will put multiple agents on the collection effort.
    It's just not her. It's ALL OF THEM. Except "your guy". He's righteous. I wasn't talking about him.

    Look at Bob Dole's inexplicable rise in wealth after --- after becoming a Senator. The IRS?
    Absent. How surprising.
    Two Sets Of Laws.
    THAT ain't any surprise.
    Keep cheering.

  2. I guess she is part of the Obama Soros liberal 1%ers ? The same one they talk against Republican 1% ers H Y P O C R I T E S.

  3. This is the back Hillary and just like her everything seems to fall off of her. She is a race baiter, and escape artist of being tried for anything and hiding assets and I'll bet not paying taxes another Al Sharpton. Time to clean that ever growing swamp.

  4. Every time I see her picture, I just want to stick my thumbs up her nose.


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