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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Maxine Waters calls Dr. Ben Carson 'an educated fool'?

In her latest hurled insult, Rep. Maxine Waters has called Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson "an educated fool."

"Look at Ben Carson. My God. My grandmother would call him an educated fool," Waters stated.

"Here's a man who has a reputation of being a highly competent surgeon, but when he talks about poor people, he says they're the cause of their poverty.

"He doesn't understand why you didn't do what he did and why you didn't make it like he made it. And he doesn't know the difference between slavery and immigration," she went on.

At first glance, one is tempted to reply, "Speaking of educated fools..."



  1. Better to be an educated fool than an uneducated ignorant dump A$$ like her!

  2. What are your twelve brothers and sisters doing these days, Maxine?

  3. her and lebron. the people who disagree with them are suddenly uneducated. do they really think ANYBODY takes them seriously?

  4. Mad Max is JUST a fool, and obviously not a very educated one, as demonstrated every time she opens her mouth.

  5. President Trump she needs to be Investigated how does someone who's base salary is around $165,000 a yr live in a $4 million home with 3 other homes ???? Sounds like a IRS and state department Investigation.

  6. 7:44, right on. (map)

  7. What is wrong with you. When was the last time slavery was in your life let alone your mansion. Can't you just go away. I had nothing to do with slavery and will not be abused by you or the likes of you. You are dumb like a fox. Dr Carson is my hero and I am white. God gave him a give he used that gift to say lives and now you think he is a fool. Enough of you already. Resign

  8. She is a ignorant fool you strives to keep the African American people dumbed down to the point of no common sence or self worth. Instead of lifting people up to a higher standard.

  9. She is a waste of good air for the rest of us.


  10. Dr. Carson was the world's premier surgeon in his specialty, which involved brain surgery. He came up from poverty via actual accomplishment.

    That said, even he couldn't cure Mad Maxine's mental problems. She is a pariah.

  11. She doesn't rate to speak his name! What a low-class arrogant, self-absorbed fool. She lives in a 4 Million dollar home, been in congress to many years, and has lost touch with reality. She is not respected or has an relivance to anything. She is dumb, and ignorant and is a race bater. Dr. Carson is an accomplished person and well respected! Maxine is way out of her league, she is an idiot!

  12. Trump needs to open up investigations throughout our govt but there's not enough time and money to do so because of it being so corrupt.


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