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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Maryland Is Number One At All Of These Things

We’re number one! … at least when it comes to the following items. Maryland has been ranked the best of the best when it comes to these things…

1. Blue Crabs



  1. Right, Maryland has one use to be cool town that has turned ghetto and renamed the 'bury or something. Their schools are a real hall of justice and family income...well.

  2. This article left out the biggest thing that Maryland is #1 at: TAXES

  3. Spare me Maryland is good for nothing...left this dump of a state 4 years ago...want to see income and money...FLORIDA...I live in Naples, a town very hard by IRMA...thanks to a governor who cares about the WHOLE state...what hogan done for the shore?...nothing...we had troopers escorting fuel trucks...jobs? Your not touching Florida for jobs...oh and liberals are largely ignored down here....you can keep Maryland....your governor has done nothing for the shore...and your local leadership is sinking things even further....

  4. ouch 923, but the truth. Hope things continue to get back to semi-norm. Lots of work ahead for the good folks of FLA.

    1. The response we have seen down here is nothing short of miraculous!!! We have power to
      Most of our local areas....restaurants are already open and things are coming back nicely ty!!!! Sorry to bash Maryland but after spending nearly 20 years as a come-here and reminded of it often...on top of seeing how poorly the eastern shore is run it's sad....Maryland truly isn't tops in much...and constantly brag about really nothing and not being honest with people is sad. We loved the shore for many years even with ignorance shown us...having left and seeing how Florida works...we will never leave it....FLO life beats Maryland hands down.

  5. Healthcare???? My azz. My wife and I had the hardest time getting healthcare from Maryland. It took them several months to get it to us. Every time I called them I got a different excuse as to why it had not went through. One of them told me it was because my wife was a new citizen and she had to wait 5 years for any type of benefit. Which was absolutely wrong. Another time I asked to speak to a supervisor, and I was told the supervisor refused to speak to me. I think they hire people off the streets just so they would have a job. Because they sure did NOT know what they were doing. I think the welfare department in baltimore sent them people to hire. Maryland Health Connection is a joke.

  6. I am not from Maryland, I am from the Eastern Shore.

  7. Plus don't we have the number one city for murder in the state and the country? Baltimoron, I mean Baltimore?


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