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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings Set To Return To Work Following Heart Procedure

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings is set to return to Capitol Hill.

Cummings told our media partner, the Baltimore Sun, he plans to return to D.C. on September 11.

He’s been recovering from a heart procedure he had in May.

The 66-year-old is the ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.



  1. DO America a Favor Retire !!!

  2. All the Racial HATE in his heart finally caught up with him

  3. Since when does this idiot work. Article should read return to destroying America

  4. he should really retire

    for his health, yeah, for his health

  5. should have gotten a brain implant while he was there.

  6. 66? He looks like 86.

  7. Was Nice Not seeing him on TV lately attacking Trump ....
    another Obstructionist / Racist / Demon-crat

  8. Too bad...a quiet medical retirement would have been far better for the country.

  9. Shame! He should retire and enjoy time with his grandchildren!

  10. He is so racist, he might turn down a white donor heart, if he ever needs a heart transplant. He is a vile racist. He hates white people. Therefore, I hate him. All of his political capital is based on race.

  11. Joe this reminds me of the council meeting I was at last night. I could not believe all the racist white people at that meeting demanding that the county take down the General Winder plaque. These white people were racist against their own race. They have been indoctrinated with white guilt.

    One girl(40) from NJ moved here to go to college at SU and stayed. She said she had no idea how racist white people were and how blacks felt about white people. She actually said she was embarrassed to be white?

    I am serious Joe you need to watch that part of the video and do a story on how these people are such misfits in society. They yelled and argued with anyone that didn't have the same view as them. I was there for the firefighters and they really made me feel uncomfortable. Please do a story on those clowns. That white guy from Showing Up For Racial Justice said they were teaming up with a group from Alabama and Phoenix that they were going to force a lynching statue on the county property.

    I just can't understand how a white person can hate their own race.

  12. Don't wish him any bad luck, but I wish he would stay home, forever!!

  13. His heart isn't the organ that needs fixing.

  14. He is the poster child for term limits!

  15. 2 TERM Limits Needed >>>> LONG Overdue
    Solves ALOT of problems !!!
    Good enough for the President , so
    Good enough for Congress (House & Senate )
    Good enough for Supreme Court
    Good enough for FBI (10yr term) Director

  16. He has a heart? That's surprising since he doesn't have a brain.

  17. Sad hes returning. Has "NO BRAIN SYNDROME"

  18. In response to the headline: THAT'S A SHAME

  19. He is a bad example of Maryland. He is also a hypocrite. One of the most racist people around but goes out calling other people out as being a racist.


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