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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lying RINO John McCain Says He Cannot Support Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill

His hatred for Trump takes precedence over doing what is right. He ran his election campaign on repealing Obamacare.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., on Friday said he “cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham Cassidy proposal.

McCain is one of four Republican senators who have been undecided on the GOP healthcare overhaul, and his opposition dealt the bill’s chances a significant blow.

Also on Friday, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she is leaning toward voting NO on Graham Cassidy. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has already expressed his his opposition to the bill, which he said didn’t fully repeal the Affordable Care Act..



  1. If what we have is so great, why do they choose to have it?! When is he going to expire, anyway?

  2. It doesnt matter. its going to implode and there is nothing they can do about it.


  4. That guy needs to make it official and switch his party affiliation to Democrat.

  5. Why can't Congress get anything done. Egos not what the people want or need. McCain is angry - he never made President.

  6. Just let him leave his legacy. He's doing a pretty good job of destroying anything positive about himself and he won't be around that much longer.

  7. It's because he also took $100,000 from SOROS and the CLINTON FOUNDATION it..

  8. Joe
    Did you know it was a SU student that was Assulted by 7 black thugs last Sunday at the restaurant Cook out ????????

    I wonder if the great SU parents know this ? What say you SPD?

  9. Susan Collins needs her ass booted out

    1. Her and shaky arm Nancy polosi could be sisters.

  10. Go to his website https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/

    and tell him what you think

  11. John McCain is part of the "shadow government" and will do everything to destroy the US and control the US citizens. According to the factual Military records he was never A "HERO". He was a "COWARD". He has been useless as a Congressman. Just another con-artist.

  12. How about John McCain drop his Healthcare for OBAMACARE ?

  13. Makes no difference. I would've lost my healthcare either way. And from all I read, at least I can get medicaid, which all my doctors currently accept, under obombmacare, and would've had nothing at all with the Republican plan. Which is why I will vote straight democrat for the first time in my life in 2018.

  14. Congress and families get free medical. No plans. Effective until they die but continue with spouse and families. How do they known what it is like to meet deductables plus premiums

  15. Because his health care is better than yours.

  16. 612 please site said records. Otherwise you just mean in your opinion

  17. Trump pissed him off when he said McCain wasn't HIS hero in the primaries. Trump said HIS heroes weren't bad pilots that got captured by the enemy, and publicly ratted out our country, in times of war. I tend to agree with Trump.

    For McCain, it has become HIS personal vendetta to oppose anything Trump does, regardless of the people he represents, the good of the party, or the good of the country. He is no longer competent to be a Senator of this country; but hey, since when does a Senator have to be competent? McCain is as crooked as they come.


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