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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

LIVE STREAM - President Trump DACA Decision Announcement by Jeff Sessions


  1. DACA will be rescinded. Congress is now tasked with what to do next.

  2. It should be the end of DACA. It was unlawful to start with.

  3. Why should we pay for illegal aliens college tuition? 2 wrongs don't make a right --they need to leave and come back legally.

  4. Taken away the same way it was illegally implemented - executive order.

    If the politicians want to buy votes with this bribe in the future - they need to craft legislation to implement it. What they need to remember first is that the majority of tho country voted for Trump to get rid of this and legislators that try to implement it via a new law may find themselves at the wring end of a ballot result in the following primary!

  5. Sessions is letting me down by not arresting Comey and Clinton. I don't care what he has to say until that happens she will keep the media going. Start arresting and watch how fast people stop acting and start crying!

  6. DACA should be rescinded. They should be deported. DACA is a con game. These young adults stays then they will complain that their parents have to stay, since it would be inhumane to separate families. Then they will say my extended family has to stay since you can not separate my family. So you have just multiplied the number of illegals by 10. You see this DACA program was / is a con job allowed by Democrats. What about this money going to Americans, senior citizens, homeless families, homeless Vets, abused children.


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