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Sunday, September 03, 2017

JUST IN: The University of Maryland's marching band will no longer play the state song at athletic events.


  1. Im offended. TIME TO TAKE DOWN A STATUE

  2. Why don't they change the band uniforms and dress like muslims. That's what this country is coming to

  3. This is just horrible. How very, very sad there are people who are so self righteous as to start dismantling all that is good in our great country. I am ashamed of our state and our governor.

  4. Perhaps I'm obtuse but I don't see what is offensive in Maryland, My Maryland.

  5. Please ID who made that decision.

  6. U of M no longer gets ant $ from me. In fact, no state school gets any money from me, I stopped paying MD income tax.


  8. 2:24 aww did someone miss their Jerry Springer re-runs this morning?

  9. The stupid is getting stronger in this country!

  10. Mmm , wonder if they know any Hitler songs ?

  11. NO, I do not agree. I'm so tired of politically correct crap. I hope their boosters say if you can't play the State song, I can't donate any longer.

  12. I hope Md loses every game! I am so disgusted with sports including NFL that I am going to better myself by turning the damn TV off!

  13. They should also take down the Racist state Flag!
    That flag was flown by several units fighting to preserve slavery in Maryland.

  14. To the idiot claiming not to pay taxes. Don't pay, don't go to the MVA.

  15. Won't miss it! You know why? Due to the cowardly act of not playing an established and lawful Song of Maryland, I will not be watching nor contributing in any way to the University of MD. Don't the Board of Regents at Md have any say in this matter or are they hiding under the covers too. Sad day in Maryland My Maryland.

  16. I have stopped giving any money to charities, because most of that money goes to knuckleheads who support this BS.
    We all have to start voting with our money. it's the only thing they will understand.


  17. Free Testudo!

    Sneer the turtle...

  18. 3:23. since the flag was not flown in its present form until 1880, and wasn't adopted as a state flag until 1904, it would have been impossible for it to have been flown during the Civil War. It's panrls and colors represent the English heraldry of the first governing families.

  19. Maryland my Maryland has pro southern lyrics.I believe they changed some wording for the Preakness. The whole issue is B.S.,leave the song alone.

  20. Yes I reviewed the lyrics today and tried to be offended and could not! Oh well, next issue please.

  21. Trophies look like little statutes. NO MORE TROPHIES I'M OFFENDED 😭

  22. 3;26 Don't need MVA either. Vehicles registered in another state and FL driver's license. Who is the idiot paying taxes income tax in MD. Don't need a hunting or fishing license on my waterfront property either because I am the owner.

  23. How about cheaper insurance and cheaper taxes?

  24. Maryland has been becoming a foreign Socialist state for years, illegals and American haters catered to at our expense.

  25. Hogan Suspend all Maryland tax dollars from University of MD and the MD University system. They disrespect / condemn MD then they do not deserve MD tax dollars. Hogan I say again "grow a pair" and start fighting for the MD tax payer.

  26. Thou wilt not yield the Vandal toll,
    Maryland!My Maryland!
    Thou wilt not crook to his control,
    Maryland!My Maryland!
    Better the fire upon thee roll, Better the shot, the blade, the bowl,
    Than crucifixion of the Soul,
    Maryland! My Maryland!

  27. It's awful how far down O'Malley has taken this State down. I am SO thankful that he was not even near successful in his Presidential run.

    1. Agree - but expected more from Hogan

  28. I'm sorry, Democrats are self destructing.

  29. Obviously, History isn't one of UMD's strong points. It doesn't look to be getting any better either.

  30. Our professor at UMES said that Maryland was a Confederate state, but president Lincoln had the legislators locked up so they couldn't vote for leaving. The song, the flag, the state motto are all "Racist", and reflect Maryland's ties to slavery. It is time for a change. Remove it all.

  31. fine, then stop sending my tax dollars to this liberal institution, just welfare for the brainwashed liberals. why do I as a taxpayer have to help pay the salaries (at the point of a gun) of these liberal pieces of trash?

  32. well, it is so offensive to sing one's own anthem....(sarcasm) Can we get any more RIDICULOUS?

  33. 12:24
    Poor little snowflake.
    If you feel threatened LEAVE!!!

  34. Where's our Republican governor? Do not allow this to happen in Maryland!

  35. You should be ashamed!

  36. 12:24 the divide of North and South was established with the Mason Dixon Line. Had you paid attention you would have know this. If the flag, the song and the motto offend you then move to Vermont or better yet California.

  37. 12:24........Ok, what about "UMES college" It is predominantly a black college. My child is white and when he went to apply, he was a minority and got a paltry scholarship offer of $2,000, compared to many other offers of $30,000 + for better colleges that are more integrated. The fact that UMES is known as mostly a BLACK college is OFFENSIVE to me. Lets shut it down based on racism. BET-BLack entertainment Television-RACIST too. I cant even watch it. SHUT IT DOWN TOO. What is good for the liberals and Dems seems to run our country. Liberalism is a mental disorder!!

  38. So they want the state money but not respect the state? Sounds like a football player that
    We know that is out of a job!

  39. I quit giving to SU my alma matre. Not going to support snowflake safe rooms and attitudes

  40. Maryland sucks can't wait to move.

  41. Another reason not to follow UofMd football. Screw them. They can be a team without a state for all I care. I'm a Cavalier/Wahoo fan anyway.

  42. I am OFFENDED as a tax payer..cut there FUNDS.

  43. My kids won't be going to that overpriced, low rated school. Screw Maryland! Screw UVa.! I'm going to pay for them to go to West Virginia University! They have a real Republican Governor that says "HELL NO they won't be taking any statues down!!"

  44. Oh, Christmas Tree!


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