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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Judge Napolitano: Obama Wiretapping Trump Tower Could Have Been To Help Hillary

“How could the FBI director not know about this?!”

With confirmation that former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort was indeed wiretapped before and after the election by the Obama administration, Judge Andrew Napolitano has speculated that it may have been an effort to help Hilary Clinton secure the Presidency.

“Were they listening to Paul Manafort during the campaign in order to find out what Donald Trump was going to do next in the campaign and help Hillary?” Napolitano speculated.

“Were they listening to Paul Manafort because they thought he had committed a crime?”Napolitano followed up.

“Were they listening to Paul Manafort because they were looking for something with which to tarnish the future president?” he further asked.

Napolitano noted that it is not known whether the wiretapping was conducted under a FISA or a regular warrant, and explained the significant distinction.



  1. Duh! Could have been?? Probably was, seeing that about 80% of government wanted her to win.

  2. EXACTLY Why is was Done ....For Hillary and those damn
    Demon-crats are trying to act like Trump did it all
    And those Russian Ties ....Only Hillary has those too !!!

  3. Why is Mueller not investigating Hillary and Obama? He is investigating any and all Republicans that are even hinted about? OH is it because all the Laywers in this probe are Democrats? Appears to be a crooked investigation against Republicans and not about the full and complete truth?


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