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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jesse Jackson: Trump's NFL Statements Show ‘slave-master-servant mentality’

Baptist minister compares millionaire athletes to oppressed “cotton pickers”

Rev. Jesse Jackson accused President Trump of having a “slave-master-servant mentality” for criticizing NFL players who kneel during the national anthem.

In an interview with The New York Times Sunday, Jackson encouraged players to protest the president for his recent remarks concerning the hot-button issue.

“They should all kneel, not against the flag, but against the interference by Mr. Trump with their First Amendment rights,” Jackson said.



  1. Truly a born idiot and racist.

  2. He is still paying child support for the second out of wedlock child and he still believes he is moral enough to advise others. If he is a Rev. then I am an astronaut visiting from Pluto.

  3. Was wondering when this cockroach was going to emerge on the scene, to give his opinion.

  4. Hey Jessie I got some news for you........No cares what you think or say. Just go away.

  5. Jackson just jealous!!

  6. Jackson should go the way of Bill Cosby. Count his blessings and shut up.


  7. It can't be certified as a genuine train wreck until JJ the race-hustling hypocrite shows up to grab some limelight.

    Totally looses the irony: We're protesting against 'the man'...by working for 'the man.'

  8. Nothing like a black person always dropping the race card or the "slave" card.

  9. He should know all about slave master, he is a Democrat.

  10. Oh yeah, and where is Al? I'm sure he'll be weighing in soon too. Hey Jesse, let them go ahead and just shut down the NFL and NBA with their protest. You know, because if they don't pick the cotton, the mill shuts down.
    And guess what. Their million dollar salaries shut down also. And then they are just back to being nobodies and they can kneel all over town. Go for it.

  11. Here he goes again. When will he just go away.


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