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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jesse Jackson: Trump ‘Would Not Qualify to Get Into Jesus’ Kingdom’

President Donald Trump may want to tighten requirements on who can immigrate to the United States, but Rev. Jesse Jackson thinks he should instead worry about his own citizenship in heaven.

"Trump says you must be able to speak the language of English, [be] qualified, and have a job skill," Jackson said Monday. "Jesus would not qualify to come in Trump's country—he would not qualify to get into Jesus' kingdom."

Jackson made the comment Monday at the "Ministers March for Justice," which was spearheaded by Rev. Al Sharpton and featured ministers from various traditions united in opposing the Trump administration. The event took place on the 54th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington, and Jackson did not shy away from using religious language to judge the president.

After judging Trump's ability to enter heaven, he quoted part of a passage from the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus says what he will tell his followers at the Final Judgment..

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  1. And Jesse himself would go where?

  2. If there is one thing that is extremely annoying to me is when someone misquotes or uses the Bible to further there OWN agenda. Read the entire Bible as a whole if you take the parts out you want you can justify Anything you want wolf in sheep's clothing.

  3. Jesus was a carpenter. What makes that not a skill? I guess Ole Jesse missed where it says judge not lest ye be judged.

  4. Trump would probably make into heaven before Jesse Jackson. All he is is a race baiting hypocrite.

  5. This coming from Jesse Jackson is laughable. Didn't he have an illegitimate child with his mistress which led to him being bounced from the Democrat ticket many years ago? And what qualifies him for "Jesus Kingdom?" Was it the fact he's been exploiting blacks and promoting racism so he can turn a quick buck over the last few decades. Just because he was in MLK's camp doesn't mean he is virtuous. Even MLK screwed around on his wife. FBI has transcripts of all those wonderful tidbits.

  6. Jackson would certainly qualify for the dung heap!!

  7. Isn't he a reverand? And he doesn't know this?"
    Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

  8. Jesus' job skills?
    Accomplished carpenter and cabinet maker, not to mention philosopher, healer, Son of God.
    Ability to speak English?
    Give Him just a microsecond and He'll have that covered.

  9. I'd really be afraid of making a judgment on who will or will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

  10. Would someone please serve this jackass a big ol' cup of STFU!! Race-baiter misses his supreme race-baiting leader of the last 8 years.

  11. Jesse Jackson you yourself doesn't qualify,you and your family doesn't hold up under scrutiny we remember charges on your own son in recent times. You are just like Al Sharpton you are a race baiter, and war monger. Look in your own mirror, why do you not stand for pulling your own people together rather than dividing them. Look at what you stood for 35-40 years ago or was that all lies as well.

  12. The man of hate should judge no one.

  13. This little man is not Heaven's gatekeeper.

  14. He just finished paying off the child support for the 2nd out of wedlock kid he spawned. He's a great role model to speak about others. Just a jerk.

  15. Quick question. What bible does he get his information from?

  16. As if Pres. Trump gives a damn, it is all "Fake" made up BS, to keep the masses in line.

  17. Jesse and Al are no more preachers than I am. Bet they never went to a seminary or were ordained. Not likely they will make it to Heaven!

  18. My Bible states, "No man comes to the Lord except through Jesus Christ." As long as President Trump asked Jesus Christ to be his personal savior and confessed his sin and repented, his name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life. That assures him entrance to heaven. Now he will still be judged and he may lose some rewards in heaven for any behaviors that are not Christ like and that he does not turn away from, but he would still be going to heaven.

    As for Jesus getting in this country. Jesus can speak any language. When the Lord separated the people at the Tower of Babel do you think he would have them speak a language that He could not understand. I don't think so. Also the Lord can cause spoken language to be heard so that all different nations hear it in their language. Jesus also had a skill, many in fact, but he was a carpenter. So I think he could get in this country. And last but not least, Jesus was NOT AFRAID TO WORK! So he would have gotten a job when he got here.

  19. Sorry Jesse but I do not think you are QUALIFIED to speak on behalf of Christ!!! You need to go back and read the bible. SMH

  20. I just spit my soda out on the key board. You do have to give creeps like him credit for keeping on keeping on.

  21. race pimping abortionists to the front of the line!


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