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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hogan letter seeks legal action against FAA

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday ordered the state's top legal official to sue a federal agency over new airline flight routes that the Republican said have made many Maryland families "miserable in their own homes."

A lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration's NextGen program should include routes for both Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport and Reagan National Airport, Hogan wrote in a letter to Democratic Attorney General Brian Frosh.

"This program has made many Maryland families miserable in their own homes with louder and more frequent flights which now rattle windows and doors," the governor wrote.

A majority of Maryland's population of about 6 million lives around the two airports. For example, there are about 2 million people living in Montgomery and Prince George's counties, which are adjacent to the nation's capital. Roughly 2.2 million live in Baltimore city, Baltimore County, Howard County and Anne Arundel County, where Baltimore's airport is located.



  1. They must be flying over elitist rich donors homes for him to do this.

  2. Tell them to move if they don't like it.
    That is what we are told to do if we don't like Commercial Chicken Feeding Stations built in our neighborhoods that will destroy our environment and affect how we live!!!!!!!!
    I am sure the airport was there before the houses.
    Eastern Shore Logic for the ignorant.

  3. 1:59
    Of course the airports where there. However the flight patterns have recently been changed. That is why people are so upset. So your logic wasn't really logic since you are uninformed on the subject.

  4. Of course the airports where there. However the flight patterns have recently been changed. That is why people are so upset. So your logic wasn't really logic since you are uninformed on the subject.

    September 13, 2017 at 2:03 PM:

    Yes, the complainants will always say it is better to move the problem over someone else's property. They recognize that the airport and flight paths are a public conveyance necessity, but just not in their backyards. The same issue arises with the need for new prisons. No one argues about the need, just no one wants it near them. Well these things have to be near or over SOMEBODY. I'm sure the "window and doors" that are being rattled belong to either political donors, or people wealthy enough to hire high powered lobbyists to push the Governor into acting on their behalf.

  5. A state suing the federal government just sounds so....democrat. He is such a RINO. I can't hardly believe he still is registered as a member of the Republican Party.

  6. 203 doesn't matter u bought near an airport what did u expect? Same if u bought near the dump then cry about polutted round water. Or next to perdue then complained about the smell. F em.

  7. There is way too much air travel going on in this country. People need to stay local and use the internet to conduct meetings.

  8. 5:18
    You are not so bright are you? I would try to explain it all to you but it would just be a waste of time. You just wouldn't understand it.

  9. 5:18
    You are not so bright are you? I would try to explain it all to you but it would just be a waste of time. You just wouldn't understand it.

    September 13, 2017 at 5:57 PM:

    I don't know, and wouldn't claim to know (like you do) how bright the person is. But I think he, or she, makes a valid point. I would explain it to YOU, but that would be a waste of MY time.

  10. Why did they not include the Salisbury airport in the complaint????? I am sure the weekend warriors could find another more secluded airport to practice "touch & go" with their old 4-engine aircraft.

  11. Why did they not include the Salisbury airport in the complaint????? I am sure the weekend warriors could find another more secluded airport to practice "touch & go" with their old 4-engine aircraft.

    September 13, 2017 at 7:41 PM:

    Everybody knows that those that run state government don't give a damn about anything here on the Eastern Shore, unless they are buying some of it.


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