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Monday, September 11, 2017

Hillary gone wild! Whole world becomes her scapegoat

Twice-failed presidential hopeful trots out long list of people to blame for big failure

The odds were stacked against Donald Trump to win the presidency in a 2016 race with an entitled Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state and former first lady, spent her entire adult life preparing to become the first female president, and she was the establishment candidate.

Not only were the mainstream media blatantly in favor of Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary and then Donald Trump in the general election, the Democratic National Committee brazenly admitted that it rigged its primary to ensure Clinton, even with all her scandals, would be its nominee.

At one point, she was projected to have a 90 percent chance of becoming the next president.

And when she lost, someone – anyone – had to be blamed.

Anyone but Hillary Clinton, of course.



  1. HERSELF = the First to Blame !!! Tell her That


  2. Sounds like she pretty much went through the New York City phone book in listing those to blame.

    Should have just turned to the mirror, "Mirror, mirror on the wall,
    Who's the lousiest candidate of all?"

    Would have saved a lot of trees.

  3. In a way this is correct, the whole world hates Hillary.

  4. Since more than 50% of us are what she called the "Deplorables", I'd say us deplorables are the most to blame for her loss, as we all got fired up to go out and vote! My son wasn't going to vote for his first time, but when he heard that, he asked to go with me to show him how to vote.

    Thank you, Hillary!

  5. It should be noted that the rigging was done during the Democrat Convention to nominate Barack Obama to his second term as President.


  6. At least she isn't blaming her father, Adolf.

  7. Just go away hildabeast

  8. Everytime she opens her mouth, she believes herself - that's where she's all wrong.

  9. And the a**holes that voted for her are buying her book (and her BS story about who's fault it was).

  10. Who cares? she says she is done with running for office but she's such a good liar I can't believe her.


  12. Funny, but she doesn't say anything about her first presidential loss, as if it never happened.

  13. 2 Strikes = She's OUT !!!!


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