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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hillary Clinton Suggests Trump May Start ‘Killing Journalists’

Former Democratic Presidential nominee and sore loser Hillary Clinton likened President Donald Trump’s leadership style to that of Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that he has “authoritarian tendencies.”

This is ironic coming from a woman who is perfectly okay with having the government in charge of healthcare, the environment, education, etc., but what do I know?

Meanwhile, the rest of us are rolling our eyes at her outrageous claims, pearl-clutching, and fear-mongering tactics. Her base might be the only people inclined to believe this garbage, but I want to believe that even they aren’t that stupid.



  1. The headlines describes the "Clinton Mafia"

  2. She is a mass murder. but Trump won't go that far and plus she murder journalists if she was in office.

  3. Says the woman who has had how many suspicious deaths around her and the Clinton camp. Almost funny, but not. When will she shut up and go away?

  4. Isn't there a psychological condition where you accuse other people of the very things you have done?

  5. And there is something wrong with that? Lets see, the last time I looked the Clinton Crime family had over 70 kills.

  6. Says the woman with a death list.

  7. She got some nerve. All those accidental death and person missing agenda under their belt. The nerve.

  8. It's called projection. Hillary's a champ at it.

  9. "Classic Projection". Kurt Smolek, State Department cyber Security and Seth Rich, Democratc National Committee computer programmer. Both DEADER Than doornails. Both worked with or for Hillary During her tenure at State or during her failed campaign. Both had access to information that lost her the election. Hmmmm... Just two more on the long list of dead Clinton associates.

  10. Victor Thorn. Look him up. The Clintons have turned the word suicided into a verb.


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