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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hillary: Abolish Electoral College

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that the Electoral College should be abolished after Republican Donald Trump won the electoral vote, while she garnered the popular vote.

"I said that in 2000 after what happened with Al Gore," Clinton told Anderson Cooper on CNN.



  1. She needs to be Abolished!

  2. The election proved why the electoral college is important. The founding fathers were ingenious to embody such a great idea into the Constitution. Look up the county results. Having such large populations in small urban locations skews elections dramatically. This is why the electoral is important. Research the number of counties won by each candidate. There is some question still of the number of counties but the difference is astonishing, especially when you consider the total electoral votes for each candidate.
    Don't be sheep people.

  3. So what she wants is that most all states except for a few will not have a vote in federal elections. Most states will not have a say in what the federal government does.

    The founding fathers were so brilliant and she is so ignorant....no stupid.

  4. The Electoral College wasn't a problem with Her, Chuck Cook and other Demoncrats until it was used to their disadvantage. Had it been used to her advantage I am confident they would be saying it is important and needed.

    So Hillary, Chuck Cook and other Dumb "Progressives" F*** Off!

  5. Only the liberal Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College when they lose elections.

  6. Trump won 95% or so of all the Counties in the USA which made the Electoral College work perfectly.

    Abolish HRC!

  7. Both Al Gore and Hilliary Clinton serve as the best examples of why we need the electoral college.

    For the LibTards that are reading this - that same electoral college gave JFK the election over Nixon...Nixon won a few cycles later - let's hope the HildaBeast doesn't pull that off!

    Have a nice day!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Electoral College wasn't a problem with Her, Chuck Cook and other Demoncrats until it was used to their disadvantage. Had it been used to her advantage I am confident they would be saying it is important and needed.

    So Hillary, Chuck Cook and other Dumb "Progressives" F*** Off!

    September 16, 2017 at 3:23 AM

    Repeat yourself much?

  9. Ain't happening. There's no way any state except a "blue" state will approve the constitutional amendment required to do that. That's just a blue state pipe dream.

  10. When the loser continues to cause problems, they need to be taken out.

  11. Anonymous said...
    When the loser continues to cause problems, they need to be taken out.

    September 16, 2017 at 11:31 AM

    You just described the Clinton's Modus Operandi.


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