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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hey Kids, Now Your Parents Have to Take Driver’s Ed, Too

The driver’s license: Perhaps nothing represents teen freedom more than that document saying you can go wherever you want without having your parents or someone else drive you there. But times have changed from the day when driving autonomy was granted to any 16-year-old who could pass the DMV’s tests. Now, some states are requiring parents to take a form of driver’s education alongside their teens. 


  1. Good, bring it on. Maybe the adults will learn or relearn what "slower traffic keep right" means. Give them an "uh huh" moment. Why is that person on my bumper and why is everyone passing me on the right side? Answer, because you are an ignorant danger on the road.

  2. But illegals can walk in and get a license no questions asked and be registered to vote at the same time.

  3. Maybe they can relearn terms like "acceleration lane" & "deceleration lane", and "Keep right except to pass", and stuff like, "If you're texting while driving and there's 7 cars stacked up behind you in the no passing zone, do I pull over or just keep being a but hole?"

  4. It's another way to get more money from you.

  5. Want to have some fun?
    Just go to any 4 way stop and watch the idiots that don't know who has the right of way!

  6. Everyone should have some driver training and some sort of standard, or else people would be driving all over the place and at different speeds.

    Oh wait, that's why they come up with driver licenses in the first place. That's all well and good and it makes our highways that much safer, BUT, they have taken a great idea and now use it as a weapon.

    Now they get to charge you for the license, (after you pay for a permit, and now drivers instruction), all kinds of fees, all kinds of fines when you make a mistake, (which they know everyone will at some point), too many mistakes and they take your license and charge you even more fees to get it reinstated.

    Then they licensed the vehicle too. More fees, more fines, etc, etc etc.

    They call it a PRIVILEGE instead of a RIGHT so they can take back the license which they could not do if it was correctly labeled a right.

    Having a license or not having a license does not make anyone a better or worse driver. It is the training that determines that.

    Anything that has the label SAFETY attached to it usually is there solely for the collection of money. And anything the government, either local, state or federal, has its' hand in is always for the money.

  7. Blogger Anonymous said...
    Want to have some fun?
    Just go to any 4 way stop and watch the idiots that don't know who has the right of way!

    September 21, 2017 at 7:46 PM

    No thanks. I don't have to sit still to see idiots. I see enough of them going down the road.

  8. keep being a but hole?"

    September 21, 2017 at 5:41 PM

    or maybe a *butt* hole?


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