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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Guinea pigs can give their owners deadly pneumonia

Guinea pigs are making people ill, a new report states.

In three years, at least as many people have been taken to hospital after developing life-threatening pneumonia from their furry friends.

Most guinea pigs likely harbour the bacteria responsible for the inflammatory lung condition, which is detectable by the animals developing pink eye.

Dr Steven Gordon, chair of infectious disease at the Cleveland Clinic, who was not involved in the study, said: 'We love our pets, but we've got to be smart about pets and hygiene.

'We should be washing our hands after pet contact, and certain high-risk people - like those with compromised immune systems - should avoid contact with pets.'



  1. Trump needs to keep an eye on the poppy farming CIA

  2. My cat sneezed on me twice yesterday, should I be worried?

  3. It's a well known fact that Guinea pigs intend to take over he world. Biological warfare is only a small part of their plan for the eradication or enslavement of mankind. Another one is mind control, where they lure you in with cuteness, then stare at you, never blinking. Not once.

  4. Lets send several to the Clinton's.

  5. Send several to congress and the senate.


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